Local state

In the context of component state, we typically refer to the local state. Dioxus simplifies the management of a component's state with the use_state hook. Noteworthy characteristics of this hook include:

  • State initialization is achieved by passing a closure that returns the initial state.
fn main() {
let mut count = use_state(cx, || 0);
  • The use_state hook provides the current value via get() and enables its modification using set().
  • Each value update triggers a component re-render.

In the main.rs file, the App component needs to be updated to introduce some local state. This state will be situated at the top of our app and can be passed to components as props. Our app's local states will consist of:

  • films: A list of films.
  • selected_film: The film to be updated.
  • force_get_films: A flag that will be employed to force a refetch of the films list from the API.


We are going to apply dynamic rendering again, this time to render a list of Film Cards only if the films list is not empty.


-use components::{FilmModal, Footer, Header};
+use components::{FilmCard, FilmModal, Footer, Header};
use dioxus::prelude::*;
use models::FilmModalVisibility;
+use shared::models::Film;


fn App(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    use_shared_state_provider(cx, || FilmModalVisibility(false));
    let is_modal_visible = use_shared_state::<FilmModalVisibility>(cx).unwrap();
+   let films = use_state::<Option<Vec<Film>>>(cx, || None);
+   let selected_film = use_state::<Option<Film>>(cx, || None);
+   let force_get_films = use_state(cx, || ());


    cx.render(rsx! {
        main {
            section {
                class: "md:container md:mx-auto md:py-8 flex-1",
+               if let Some(films) = films.get() {
+                  rsx!(
+                      ul {
+                         class: "flex flex-row justify-center items-stretch gap-4 flex-wrap",
+                         {films.iter().map(|film| {
+                             rsx!(
+                                  FilmCard {
+                                      key: "{film.id}",
+                                      film: film,
+                                      on_edit: move |_| {
+                                          selected_film.set(Some(film.clone()));
+                                          is_modal_visible.write().0 = true
+                                      },
+                                      on_delete: move |_| {}
+                                  }
+                              )
+                          })}
+                      }
+                  )
+              }
        FilmModal {
+           film: selected_film.get().clone(),
            on_create_or_update: move |new_film| {},
            on_cancel: move |_| {
+               selected_film.set(None);
+               is_modal_visible.write().0 = false;

As you can observe, the Film Modal is opened when the FilmCard edit button is clicked. Additionally, the selected film is passed as a prop to the FilmModal component.

We will implement the delete film feature later.

The FilmModal component also undergoes an update in the on_cancel callback to clear the selected film and close the modal, in case we decide not to create or update a film.

Passing state as props

We utilize the clone method to generate a copy of the selected film. This is because we're employing the same film object in the FilmCard. Check Clone documentation from Rust by Example to learn more about the clone method.

Finally, it's essential to modify the FilmModal component to:

  • Accept the selected film as a prop.
  • Add a draft_film local state to contain the film that will be created or updated.
  • Refresh the on_cancel callback to clear the draft_film and close the modal.
  • Update the

on_create_or_update callback to create or update the draft_film and close the modal.

  • Assign values and change handlers to the input fields.


use dioxus::prelude::*;
+use shared::models::Film;
+use uuid::Uuid;

use crate::components::Button;
use crate::models::{ButtonType, FilmModalVisibility};

pub struct FilmModalProps<'a> {
-   on_create_or_update: EventHandler<'a, MouseEvent>,
+   on_create_or_update: EventHandler<'a, Film>,
    on_cancel: EventHandler<'a, MouseEvent>,
+   #[props(!optional)]
+   film: Option<Film>,

pub fn FilmModal<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, FilmModalProps>) -> Element<'a> {
    let is_modal_visible = use_shared_state::<FilmModalVisibility>(cx).unwrap();
+   let draft_film = use_state::<Film>(cx, || Film {
+       title: "".to_string(),
+       poster: "".to_string(),
+       director: "".to_string(),
+       year: 1900,
+       id: Uuid::new_v4(),
+       created_at: None,
+       updated_at: None,
+   });

    if !is_modal_visible.read().0 {
        return None;
        article {
            class: "z-50 w-full h-full fixed top-0 right-0 bg-gray-800 bg-opacity-50 flex flex-col justify-center items-center",
            section {
                class: "w-1/3 h-auto bg-white rounded-lg flex flex-col justify-center items-center box-border p-6",
                header {
                    class: "mb-4",
                    h2 {
                        class: "text-xl text-teal-950 font-semibold",
                        "🎬 Film"
                form {
                    class: "w-full flex-1 flex flex-col justify-stretch items-start gap-y-2",
                    div {
                        class: "w-full",
                        label {
                            class: "text-sm font-semibold",
                        input {
                            class: "w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-lg p-2",
                            "type": "text",
                            placeholder: "Enter film title",
+                           value: "{draft_film.get().title}",
+                           oninput: move |evt| {
+                               draft_film.set(Film {
+                                   title: evt.value.clone(),
+                                   ..draft_film.get().clone()
+                               })
+                           }
                    div {
                        class: "w-full",
                        label {
                            class: "text-sm font-semibold",
                        input {
                            class: "w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-lg p-2",
                            "type": "text",
                            placeholder: "Enter film director",
+                           value: "{draft_film.get().director}",
+                           oninput: move |evt| {
+                               draft_film.set(Film {
+                                   director: evt.value.clone(),
+                                   ..draft_film.get().clone()
+                               })
+                           }
                    div {
                        class: "w-full",
                        label {
                            class: "text-sm font-semibold",
                        input {
                            class: "w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-lg p-2",
                            "type": "number",
                            placeholder: "Enter film year",
+                           value: "{draft_film.get().year.to_string()}",
+                           oninput: move |evt| {
+                               draft_film.set(Film {
+                                   year: evt.value.clone().parse::<u16>().unwrap_or(1900),
+                                   ..draft_film.get

+                               })
+                           }
                    div {
                        class: "w-full",
                        label {
                            class: "text-sm font-semibold",
                        input {
                            class: "w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-lg p-2",
                            "type": "text",
                            placeholder: "Enter film poster URL",
+                           value: "{draft_film.get().poster}",
+                           oninput: move |evt| {
+                               draft_film.set(Film {
+                                   poster: evt.value.clone(),
+                                   ..draft_film.get().clone()
+                               })
+                           }
                footer {
                    class: "flex flex-row justify-center items-center mt-4 gap-x-2",
                    Button {
                        button_type: ButtonType::Secondary,
                        onclick: move |evt| {
+                           draft_film.set(Film {
+                               title: "".to_string(),
+                               poster: "".to_string(),
+                               director: "".to_string(),
+                               year: 1900,
+                               id: Uuid::new_v4(),
+                               created_at: None,
+                               updated_at: None,
+                           });
                    Button {
                        button_type: ButtonType::Primary,
                        onclick: move |evt| {
-                           cx.props.on_create_or_update.call(evt);
+                           cx.props.on_create_or_update.call(draft_film.get().clone());
+                           draft_film.set(Film {
+                               title: "".to_string(),
+                               poster: "".to_string(),
+                               director: "".to_string(),
+                               year: 1900,
+                               id: Uuid::new_v4(),
+                               created_at: None,
+                               updated_at: None,
+                           });
                        "Save film"


Finally add uuid dependency to the Cargo.toml file.


# shared
shared = { path = "../shared" }
# dioxus
dioxus = "0.4.3"
dioxus-web = "0.4.3"
wasm-logger = "0.2.0"
+uuid = { version = "1.3.4", features = ["serde", "v4", "js"] }