Bonus: Makefile.toml

Final section of the backend part of the workshop.

Create a file in the root of the project called Makefile.toml with the following content:

# project tasks
workspace = false
env = { RUST_LOG="info" }
install_crate = "cargo-shuttle"
command = "cargo"
args = ["shuttle", "run"]

workspace = false
cwd = "./front"
install_crate = "dioxus-cli"
command = "dioxus"
args = ["serve"]

workspace = false
script_runner = "@shell"
script = '''
# shuttle issue with static files
# location is different depending on the environment
rm -rf api/shuttle/static static
mkdir api/shuttle/static
mkdir static
cd front
dioxus build --release
# local development 
cp -r dist/* ../api/shuttle/static
# production
cp -r dist/* ../static

# local db
workspace = false
script_runner = "@shell"
script = '''
docker run -d --name devbcn-workshop -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=devbcn postgres

workspace = false
script_runner = "@shell"
script = '''
docker stop postgres
docker rm postgres

# general tasks
workspace = false
install_crate = "cargo-clippy"
command = "cargo"
args = ["clippy"]

clear = true
workspace = false
install_crate = "rustfmt"
command = "cargo"
args = ["fmt", "--all", "--", "--check"]

It may be useful, specially for building the frontend.


Learn more about cargo-make, clippy and rustfmt.

Commit this change:

git add .
git commit -m "add Makefile.toml"